The Legend
Geshiedenis van Ninjutsu
Sensei van de Shonobi Warriors
Wat houden de trainingen in
Veel gestelde vragen
Key activities
Neven activiteiten - wat doet de club buiten de traininen
Links, bookmarks naar andere interessante websites
I spy on you
De digitale spion
Sign guestbook
Teken ons gastenboek


Shado group
Shinobi warriors nevenactiviteiten
Neem ook eens kijke in het fotoalbum voor meer illustraties
All images and animations are created and owned by Shinobi Warriors, and may NOT be copied or modified
without permission. For more information regarding this website, please contact webmaster@ninjas.be
This site is best viewed with Mozilla Firefox or Mozilla. Opera seems to work fine too. If you are using linux Konqueror works too but has a minor layout shift.
Microsoft Internet Explorer will do, but some items may be displayed differently and the rollout menu won't work. For MSIE version 6.0 with SP2 is recommended.